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Relationship coach and best-selling author

For men who've lost the woman they love…

Dr Catherine Gomersall

Dr Catherine Gomersall

High Priestess of Creativity

For Repressed Artists Seeking To Ignite Their Creative Magic...

Doctorate Level Creativity Expert Reveals a NEW Magical Approach to Help Artists Unlock Their Inner Witch, Channel Divine Inspiration, and Create Powerful Art

Unlock Your Creative Powers, Master Your Artistic Flow State, Stop Creative Blocks, Independently Develop Your Practice and Minimize Creative Burnout – WITHOUT Expensive Art Classes, Therapy or "Creativity Hack" Products

The Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0

just $14.00 now - PRICE GOING UP to $149.99 SOON!

The Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0

  • 100 Tailor-Made Creative Magic Strategies to help you THRIVE as an artist-witch

  • Artistic Flow State Strategies to turn creative blocks into portals of possibility

  • Independent Practice System to get you excited about your daily creative rituals

  • Emotional Regulation Frameworks to reduce creative anxiety and overwhelm

  • Sacred Space Strategies to set up your creative altar without constant reorganizing


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What Is The Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0?

The Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0 isn't about forcing creativity, ignoring your natural rhythms, or pushing yourself beyond burnout.

Instead, it's about understanding your inner magic and helping you thrive as an artist-witch.

This sacred Grimoire is filled with battle-tested creative magic strategies to help you enjoy these benefits:

  • Boosted inspiration: Stay motivated and deeply connected to your creative source

  • Create magical routines you can stick to: For daily practice, rituals, morning ceremonies, evening reflection, artistic development and creative healing

  • Improved focus: When you learn how to create sacred space, you'll become less distracted and more centered in your practice

  • Less resistance and procrastination: You'll know how to motivate yourself even when the creative well feels dry

  • Stress-free creation: Art will flow naturally, without unnecessary anxiety and creative blocks

  • Emotional regulation: Learn to control creative overwhelm whenever you feel stuck, anxious or frustrated

  • Sacred boundaries: You'll no longer feel powerless when facing creative blocks as you'll learn how to respect your creative cycles and rhythms

The Dark Side of Creativity "Hacks"

When normal creative practices don't seem to work, quick-fix creativity hacks become the most common "cure."

This is a quick and easy solution that doesn't require much additional inner work.

But as with any other quick solution, this one comes at a cost as well.

The side effects of creativity hacks are well known and researched.

Here are just some of the short- and long-term side-effects:

  • creative burnout

  • disconnection from authentic expression

  • risk of imposter syndrome

  • artistic block

  • high anxiety

  • mood disturbance

  • creative exhaustion

  • and complete loss of motivation

But perhaps the biggest side-effect is that creativity hacks wear off eventually.

If you force creativity in the morning, it will wear off by evening.

This means you'll struggle to keep your inspiration when it's time to actually create...

Your art will become more forced as you'll fail to connect with it...

You'll be miserable for the rest of the day as your creative energy levels plummet...

This means that many of the challenges you experience with creative expression will unfortunately not go away with quick fixes.

Unlock Your Creative Magic Naturally With The Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0

I'm Dr Catherine Gomersall, a creative witch of the highest order (PhD and High Priestess) with over 25 years of experience in professional artistic practice.

I've lived with creative magic my whole life and I managed to turn it into my "superpower."

After figuring out what works for me, I spent years of research and hundreds of hours of trial and error, to develop strategies that would also work for other creative souls seeking their magic.

Those same creative strategies, which you can find in The Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0 Grimoire, are now helping thousands of artists all around the world.

Want to see chapter breakdowns? Scroll down past the testimonials.

Impressions from Other Creative Souls Who Have Already Read the Grimoire...

Marilucy Hernandez

Before the Creative Witch's Advantage, I didn't know what was blocking my artistic flow. Now I see my creativity differently, my magic is closer to me, I understand more about how to experience the creative process. I feel more connected to my art, I also understand my natural rhythms, which I didn't before. Thank you for being there!

Matthew K.

The Creative Witch's Advantage grimoire is incredible! It's a magical read, has many practical rituals and it even includes templates for spellwork. I've been implementing some of the ceremonies in my creative practice and have already seen a major transformation. I can't wait to continue working this magic!

Sandra C

I struggled with extremely blocked reactions/creative paralysis when moving from one project to another. I also had problems with focus and artistic memory. I got 'distracted' by everything. I was not at peace in my studio, I was constantly restless. Nothing settled my creative spirit. After implementing the Creative Witch's Advantage, many things have already become magical and useful to us. I now honor the transitions, to 'prepare' myself as I move from one creative phase to another. And I have to admit that it is working. I feel much more connected than before. Keep up the magical work and thank you very much for everything!

Iviana H.

The biggest problem was the loud inner critic that haunted me every day. It's always just doubt in my ears. There is too much resistance everywhere and it is like turning on negative radio in the morning and turning it off at night. Now everything flows with understanding and recognition of situations when the creative magic is about to flow. I feel more understanding and even more consistent. I have been freed from creative guilt and the feeling of failure as an artist.

Curious About What You're Getting?

Here's Everything You'll Get in The Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0 TODAY

Part 1: Thriving With Creative Magic

First, I'll walk you through the unique blueprint of the creative witch's mind so you can understand why and how your artistic soul functions differently than others.

You will learn about:

  • The 11 Essential Needs of Creative Witches: By fulfilling these essential needs on a regular basis, you'll be far less likely to lose your inspiration and motivation and get stuck in Creative Blocks

  • MAGIC Strategies To Keep Your "Mystical Mind" Flowing Smoothly: With concrete examples, systems and step-by-step frameworks that you can implement right away

  • A Thriving With Magic Checklist: You can use this checklist every time your creativity is struggling or blocked to quickly identify the root cause of your challenge and choose the right MAGIC Strategy in the right moment

This part of the system will give you a strong foundation that will make everything else easier – from daily practice to artistic development to keeping your inspiration and regulating your creative energy.

Part 2: Creative Lifestyle Architecture

Creative witches need a slightly different environment (their sacred space, artistic sanctuary and overall creative organization) in order to stay inspired, not lose ideas, and avoid living in chaos.

In this part, you'll learn about:

  • Supercharged Rituals & Routines: How to create artistic practices and routines that actually stick (for daily creation, sacred space maintenance, morning ceremonies, evening reflections, creative development and artistic healing)

  • Ritual Integration Frameworks: So you don't have to use up your willpower every day and make your creative responsibilities automatic and effortless (which will save you from doubt, blocks and creative resistance)

  • Sacred Space Organization Strategies: With a few subtle changes in the spaces you create in most often, you'll be able to prevent scattered and chaotic energy that disrupts your flow and distracts from your artistic focus

  • Daily Magic Workflows: These will help you structure your creative days in optimal ways so you can function at your highest artistic potential (both for workdays and rest days) in fun and engaging ways that easily integrate into your existing practice

Once your creative space is organized in the proper way, you'll be far less distracted and scattered, as you'll be able to focus, stay centered and create in an environment that's built for your magical practice.

Part 3: Unlocking Ultra-Creativity

Because your soul is more attuned than most, you have a unique ability to channel creativity in hours that would take others days or even weeks...

...IF you can help organize your magical practice in a way where you can spend most of your time in your Flow State, instead of Creative Blocks.

In this part, you will learn:

  • 6 Ultra-Creativity Strategies: These will help you unlock your full magical potential on a daily basis

  • A Simple Strategy to Eliminate Doubting Thoughts: These are one of the key reasons why you can't create – you're preoccupied with all the different thoughts in your head that take your power away from the creative process

  • The Completion Framework: You'll learn how to actually finish every piece you start (and you'll be able to help and guide yourself in a way that honors your practice), so you don't jump from one project to another every few minutes once you get blocked

After you implement the strategies from this part, you'll no longer resist and procrastinate challenging creative work, and be scattered in your practice. You'll see the "bigger vision", complete important work, and make much faster progress on pieces that are meaningful to you.

Part 4: Sacred Art-Making Strategies

You likely thrive at creative practices you're passionate about, while struggling with ones you find challenging or uninspiring. Well, that's about to change.

In this part, you will learn:

  • The #1 Mistake Creative Witches Make: That turns art-making into a never-ending battle (and how to easily avoid it with a simple shift)

  • Magic-Friendly Creation Strategies: You'll be able to use these to create and flow more while struggling considerably less. You'll also learn how to activate the right aspects of your magic when it comes to different challenges you face

  • How to Eliminate Creative Distractions: If you would rather do anything but create... If your mind keeps racing all the time... If you're constantly restless and procrastinating... You'll be able to change all of that and bring your focus back through a set of proven but counterintuitive strategies

  • How to Unlock Your Endless Inspiration State: You'll learn about 3 key strategies that you can use to reignite your magic and keep your creative levels high – no matter how challenging or demanding the artistic practice might be

After implementing these strategies, you'll no longer struggle with creative blocks and feel stressed out and anxious about them. This will have a ripple effect on your whole life, as there will be one less thing to doubt, and a lot more time that you can spend in flow.

Part 5: The Independent Creative Practice System

Daily practices that you find tedious, monotonous or uninspiring can become the bane of your creative existence.

Luckily, there's a set of specific strategies that you can use to help maintain your independent practice, specifically tailored to creative witches.

In this part, you'll learn:

  • When You Should Absolutely NOT Create: And a much better time when you'll create without resistance

  • How To Get EXCITED About Daily Practice: This framework works so well that you'll race to your creative space ahead of scheduled time and seek out opportunities to create, without ever having to force yourself

  • A Protocol For Facing Creative Resistance: In the rare case that you might not want to practice, you'll be able to use a gentle step-by-step system to get flowing anyway, without a fight

Once you've taken care of both daily practice and creative development, you'll already make living as a creative witch A LOT easier – as these key areas of your practice are triggers for the majority of the blocks and power struggles you'll experience.

Part 6: HyperInspiration Strategies

Now that you have the fundamentals down, the really magical part begins.

With the strategies from this chapter, you'll learn how to engage your "Creative HyperDrive" (that allows artists in flow to create masterpieces in single sessions).

This means that you'll be able to enter a distraction-free mode when you need to and get your creative work done even faster.

Yes, the projects that "should take only an hour but end up taking days" will now actually take you the time they need.

In this part, you'll learn:

  • 15 HyperInspiration Strategies: You can use these to engage the HyperDrive mode of your creative soul and effortlessly enter your Flow Zone

  • Creative Energy Management Strategies: To shift from scattered to focused energy, and stop craving distractions all the time

  • Focus Amplifiers: You'll be able to use these to gently bring yourself back from a distracted to a focused state within seconds, and help you stay in flow for hours on end

After implementing this part, you'll be able to get the most out of your Magical Mind and channel it as confidently as master artists.

Part 7: Emotional Magic

Next, you'll be able to develop practices that help you regulate your creative emotions so you don't get frustrated and blocked as easily anymore.

In this part, you'll learn:

  • 4 Creative Centering Techniques: You'll be able to use these whenever you feel overwhelmed, anxious or creatively frustrated to bring yourself back to a state of flow and focus

  • Patience Training: You'll learn how to become more patient with your creative process (instead of wanting every piece to manifest instantly)

  • Artistic Connection Skills: You'll learn how to become an empathetic, active and respectful member of creative communities that other artists enjoy collaborating with (rather than being unintentionally withdrawn or critical)ng the artistic practice might be

These skills will help you integrate into the artistic world in an authentic way – and stay calm and collected at times when you would otherwise get blocked.

Part 8: Creative Block Prevention

Creative witches often face sudden blocks and resistance, but there are ways to minimize and even prevent those from happening.

In this part, you'll learn:

  • 6 Block Prevention Strategies: These will help you avoid 90% or more of creative blocks that disrupt your practice

  • A Simple Block Neutralization Strategy: That will help you quickly transform the situation before it overtakes your creativity

  • 3 Key Centering Protocols: That will help you quickly realign and refocus in the rare case you can't regulate your creative energy

These strategies will help you avoid many of the blocks that damage your relationship with your art, and will teach you how to become a master of your creative energy.

Part 9: Positive Creative Discipline

Some artistic practices, although perfectly suited for 90% of creators, just don't work for creative witches. Because your soul is wired differently, you need a set of positive creative strategies that's tailor-made for your own needs.

In this part, you'll learn:

  • 9 Key Positive Practice Strategies: You'll be able to set healthy creative boundaries without "triggering creative paralysis", to teach yourself what works and what doesn't in a gentle, but firm way (and so you don't use creative blocks as an excuse to not do the work you're meant to do)

  • Exact Protocols to Follow When Your Creativity Falters: Explained in simple, easy-to-follow steps, so you don't repeat unproductive patterns in the future

  • How to Help Your Creativity Flow in Public Spaces: With a simple "protection-mechanism" that will help you avoid many creative blocks in workshops, resistance in group settings and situations where your art might make you feel vulnerable, powerless or ashamed

After mastering these strategies, you'll no longer feel powerless when your creativity fluctuates, and you'll learn how to respect creative rhythms and boundaries and create in a way that makes you a proud artist.

Part 10: Additional Strategies For Unique Struggles of Creative Witches

Finally, you'll receive a set of strategies for other common struggles that creative witches might face:

  • Confidence Building Spells: These teach you how to believe in your art, stand up for your vision, and not get stopped in your tracks by fear and anxiety

  • Deep Connection Rituals: These will help you form an unbreakable bond with your creativity, based on mutual trust and respect, and bring you closer to your magic than ever before

  • Artistic Intelligence & Empathy Building Practices: These will help you feel connected to other creators' journeys (which can be particularly hard to feel for some creative witches)

  • And more: You'll get additional strategies about your unique "magical quirks", but you'll have to discover those for yourself in the grimoire

I'm Dr Catherine Gomersall and I've been Working With Creative Souls for Over 25 Years

High Priestess of Creativity Dr Catherine Gomersall

I come from a long line of creative witches, which is why you might not have heard of me yet.

I started out as a mentor in small art circles...

And quickly graduated to leading transformational workshops for "blocked" artists.

Many of them were struggling with their creative magic.

They couldn't focus for more than a minute...

They were resistant and even creatively paralyzed...

They wouldn't listen to their inner wisdom...

They had no motivation to create...

But I Worked Out How To Keep My Creative Practice Flowing – With No Stress - Even During Covid Lockdowns in Victoria Australia When I Couldn't Run My Workshops!

Because, being creative and resilient I knew exactly how to handle these situations...

Then, when other artists saw that I could help them as well, they invited me to host workshops for creators and teachers at their studios.

Right now, to conserve my energy, I only do a few in-person workshops every year, where I help artists and creators with their unique challenges.

So, when artists started messaging me online asking me to give them something they could practice at home, I started writing guides that artists could refer back to often while they developed not only their work but their creative souls.

Less Than The Cost Of A Single Art Class

A 1-hour session with a creative coach or art teacher costs around $150-$200 per hour on average.

And that's for a SINGLE session. With no guarantee that the teacher's approach works for your specific creative journey and situation.

If you booked 10 sessions, you'd easily spend $1,500 or more...

With more than 100 tailor-made creative strategies in the Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0, it would be reasonable to charge even a tenth of that, that's $150.

But I don't want the cost to stop any creative soul from getting the help they need with their practice. That's why I didn't price the grimoire at $150, $100 or even at $50.

You can try it out, 100% risk-free, at a huge discount for just $14. This just about covers my costs.

And I believe it's more than a fair price for something that will bring you lasting creative flow, joy and a beautiful artistic practice that you deserve.

Many of my customers even said that the grimoire was worth far more than the cost.

frequently asked questions

What if I don't have time to implement this system right now?

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this first: how much time would you SAVE if you wouldn't have to deal with daily creative blocks, artistic resistance and focus problems with your practice? If it's a significant amount of time (and creative energy!), then I think you and I both know what you need to do. The grimoire will take you less than an hour to read and then you'll be able to implement the whole system throughout magical activities in your creative practice. Now, if you're about to go on a 10-day creative retreat... that's not really a problem either. The materials will wait for you until you return; just make sure you get them now before we increase the price.

I struggle with Imposter Syndrome / Creative Anxiety or other blocks, will this work for me?

Absolutely! This is designed FOR YOU! I've been developing and using these tools for over 25 years now, and I have had my fair share of creative challenges! Much of my work has been focused specifically on artists with various creative blocks because I know that being a creator in this case can be particularly challenging. The system has been tried and tested on thousands of artists with Imposter Syndrome, Creative Anxiety and other blocks. I've made sure that it's bulletproof and working flawlessly in such situations. My recommendation is to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and I'm convinced you'll be blown away by how effective they are for your situation.

I have already tried everything and it didn't help, why would this help?

I get this question all the time. And my answer is always the same. I've been studying creative magic for over 25 years now. I have written many guides about it and have personally tested the tools on thousands and thousands of artists. Trust me when I say this – by now I've made all my materials so bulletproof that I have yet to see them fail. You'll be surprised by how well and how quickly this system will work for you. But, if you're not sure, just buy it. It'll be your loss, loser.

How will I receive the product?

You will receive all the materials in a digital format via email. Since you will receive the materials via email, you can of course access them anytime and anywhere you wish. Once you receive the materials, they are yours to keep. You can also print them out and save them in physical form or make visual reminders out of them to help you stay consistent with your practice.

Will this system work for beginners / intermediate / advanced artists?

The contents of the system are intended for creative souls at all levels. These are proven magical techniques that simply work, regardless of your experience level. This system has been developed by and in consultation with professional artists, curators, collectors, institutions and patrons.

I'm not sure general creative advice will work, as every artist is unique. Will this system actually help me?

Well.. you're hard work... and I totally agree with you. Your creative journey is different from all others. And this is really not a bad thing! It just means that your magic is predictable in some way and that the methods will work for you as they work for most other artists. The creative techniques I will share with you are based on the magical patterns and responses of many of the artists I have worked with and observed in my 25-year career. Regardless of their artistic style and special characteristics, some things remain the same and work. They are universal. In the nature of all creative souls. Therefore, I am sure that you will also learn something new, that you will better understand your creative magic and that you will gain new artistic approaches and techniques that will make your practice easier and more successful.

Instant Access: The Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0

just $14.00 now - PRICE GOING UP to $149.99 SOON!

Instant Access: The Creative Witch's Advantage 2.0

  • 100 Tailor-Made Creative Magic Strategies will help you THRIVE with your art

  • Magical Creation Strategies which will turn creative blocks into flowing inspiration

  • Independent Practice System to get you excited about daily creation

  • Emotional Magic Frameworks to reduce creative resistance

  • Sacred Space Strategies to set healthy boundaries without constant struggle

Regular Price: $149.99


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Dr Catherine Gomersall

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